Vermont Trappers Association, Inc. Sale held 12/01/01 at Whitecomb High School, Bethel, VT
4 buyers, 38 lots, Total Sale $8947, Prices on most items declined from prices received at our March auction, reflecting the depressed state of the economy. Most trappers seemed willing to sell at the prices offered as there were few No Sales.

Item NumOffered NumSold Average Price TopPrice
Beaver122122$ 13.17$ 18.13
Black Bear11$ 85.00$ 85.00
Castoreum77$ 2.40$ 3.20
CoyoteNA52$ 11.46$ 14.08
Coyote - Eastern9692$ 12.85$ 15.83
Fisher2727$ 18.15$ 18.75
Fox - Grey77$ 11.43$ 16.00
Fox - Red - Eastern7774$ 16.55$ 21.00
Mink - Wild8378$ 8.27NA
Muskrat - Eastern649649$ 2.56$ 3.33
Otter88$ 46.19$ 50.00
Raccoon7070$ 6.58$ 13.00
Skunk1313$ 6.35$ 7.25