Tennessee Fur Harvesters Association Sale held 01/12/02 at Cedars of Lebanon State Park, Lebanon, TN
6 buyers, 221 lots, Total Sale $5111, combination of green and dried furs. Open auction. Most of sellers happy, ginseng fell off from last year. .2656 lbs. of Ginseng averaged $230.30/lb and topped at $235/lb.

Item NumSold Average Price TopPrice
Beaver78$ 6.38$ 12.50
Bobcat25$ 18.50$ 23.00
Coyote26$ 6.38$ 10.00
Fox - Grey35$ 7.96$ 9.50
Fox - Red - Eastern28$ 17.27$ 22.50
Mink - Wild - Females7$ 5.18$ 5.75
Mink - Wild - Males56$ 6.83$ 9.25
Muskrat251$ 3.58$ 4.45
Opossum53$ 0.57$ 2.00
Otter10$ 56.00$ 60.00
Raccoon357$ 3.37$ 11.00
Skunk2$ 3.00$ 4.00