Vermont Trappers Association Sale held 12/07/02 at Whitcomb High School, Bethel, VT
5 buyers, 31 lots, Total Sale $8664, Most species advanced from March sale, rats/beaver down. Small amount of fur due, in large part, to unfavorable weather conditions. Some trappers said it was the worst weather they have had to deal with.

Item NumOffered NumSold Average Price TopPrice
Beaver10277$ 10.18$ 14.50
Black Bear11$ 74.00$ 74.00
(price per pound)
1010$ 4.63$ 4.73
Coyote7777$ 24.95$ 32.00
Fisher44$ 23.13$ 23.13
Fox - Grey55$ 16.40$ 24.00
Fox - Red - Eastern4343$ 30.44$ 39.00
Mink - Wild4242$ 11.70$ 17.00
Muskrat549549$ 2.51$ 3.50
Muskrat - Eastern
88$ 4.00$ 4.00
Opossum33$ 2.00$ 2.50
Otter2424$ 62.60$ 71.43
Raccoon5151$ 11.03$ 20.00
Skunk2017$ 4.09$ 5.50