Vermont Trappers Association Sale held 03/01/03 at Whitcomb High School, Bethel, VT
6 buyers, 52 lots, Total Sale $12151, Prices on most items advanced compared to December, with beaver stronger than expected. Mink, coon and red fox declined. Few "no sales"

Item NumOffered NumSold Average Price TopPrice
Beaver144144$ 16.09$ 27.00
Black Bear11$ 60.00$ 60.00
Bobcat66$ 63.83$ 87.50
66$ 6.85$ 7.00
Coyote4646$ 26.15$ 32.50
Fisher163135$ 24.29$ 30.00
Fox - Grey1111$ 17.09$ 18.50
Fox - Red5151$ 28.72$ 31.33
Mink - Wild4342$ 6.52$ 8.50
Muskrat294241$ 3.10$ 3.75
Opossum11$ 2.25$ 2.25
Otter2525$ 72.16$ 82.50
Raccoon5748$ 7.05$ 17.00
Skunk66$ 5.42$ 6.00
Weasel11$ 2.50$ 2.50